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ID : 6879

Adding Action Source Code

A Source Code Edit window is for specifying the events to take in response to a Clicked, Released, or other state change event associated with the corresponding part on the panel layout.

Writing Action Source Code

Use following methods to add the action source code.

1 Open the Source Code Edit Window

Use one of the following methods to open the Source Code Edit window for the part.


2 Select the Event

Click the part list box at the top of the Source Code Edit window then select the part which you would like to add the action source code.


Select the action source code from the Event list box.


The event procedure is added.

3 Add Action Source Code

Write the added processing in the procedure.


The Procedure of the Event

The procedure of the event is named as "Control name_event".

If changing the procedure name, the procedure is not carried out when event execution.

Sub Control name_event
	describe desired action
End Sub

ID : 6879

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