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ID : 369



To sound the buzzer.


Buzzer ring time

Guaranteed entry

Ring time
Specify the buzzer ring time (in ms) by integer type data. The value cannot be negative.


The buzzer sounds for the specified time. The program is in stand-by state at the pertinent line while the buzzer is ringing.

The buzzer sound stops when the task stops.

Related Terms



There may be an error in specified ring time due to task loading, etc. Moreover, an error occurs if the specified time is very short.

When the task is suspended during ringing, the buzzer continues ringing. Ring time elapses even during pausing or step stop. The buzzer stops ringing if the ring time has passed when the task is restarted.


'!TITLE "Sounding Buzzer"
' Sound the buzzer for 1 second
Sub Sample_Buzzer

  ' Sound the buzzer for 1 second
  Buzzer 1000

End Sub

ID : 369

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