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ID : 1063

Obtaining a GSD File

A GSD file, which is read in the network configuration software of PROFIBUS master, is used to establish, manage, and design networks on your PC.
Since this file has been installed in your robot controller, connect your PC to the robot controller and then access the following URL to download the file into your PC.

  • GSD file name and its location

URL http://<RC8 IP Address>/eds/
File name RC800DD6.GSD

<RC8 IP Address> is an IP address of the RC8 robot controller

You can check your robot controller’s IP address with a teach pendant. For details, see “Displaying and Changing Communication Settings Screen”.

Setup of PROFIBUS Master Configurator Software

Please keep the following in mind when you configure PROFIBUS master configurator software.

  • I/Os expressed in the PROFIBUS master configurator are viewed from the master device.
  • When configuring the robot controller on the PC with the PROFIBUS master configurator software, set the same module as one selected on the teach pendant screen.

  • To set RC8 I/O module on PROFIBUS master configurator software, enter n byte Output con for Slot 0, and n byte Input con for Slot 1.
  1. The robot controller may use a coherent type of module only. The GSD file contains both programs for coherent and incoherent types, so be sure to choose the program exclusive to the coherent type. (The program name contains a "con" string.)
  2. Some master device programs use special functions when exchanging data with a coherent type of module. For details, refer to the instructions manuals prepared for master devices


ID : 1063

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