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ID : 1326

Functions in Individual Allocation Modes

Functions of I/O signals differ depending on the allocation modes, as shown in the table below.

Allocation mode General description
Mini I/O dedicated

Combination of bits commands operations. Some functions are deleted from the ones provided in Standard allocation.

Mini I/O system allocation is allocated to the Mini I/O area. When an I/O option board is attached, only the user signal is allocated to the I/O option board area.

RC3 compatible

Functions, such as program activation, are specified by each bit. Operations are directed by the bit being set.

"Compatible" system allocation is allocated to the I/O extension board area.

Only the user signal (excluding CPU Normal) is allocated to all ports of the Mini I/O area.


Directs program activation, etc. with a combination of bits (I/O command.)

This allocation has the greatest number of functions.

"Standard" system allocation is allocated to the I/O extension board area. Only the user signal (excluding CPU Normal) is allocated to all ports of the Mini I/O area.

All user I/O Only the user signal is allocated to the I/O extension board area. Only the user signal (excluding CPU Normal) is allocated to all ports of the Mini I/O area.

ID : 1326

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