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ID : 1463

Quick Reference Table for the Number of Input/Output Slots

The following table shows the number of input/output slots and the maximum number of user I/O ports. Robot controllers allow adding or removing I/O ports by one byte, this will determine the number of I/O port that the robot controller can handle.

  Available range Defalt setting
The number of input slots 5~32 (byte)

8 (byte)

The number of output slots 4~32 (byte) 7 (byte)

Number of User Input Points

The number of input slots


In standard mode (byte)

In RC3 compatible mode (byte)

5 0 16
6 8 24
7 16 32
8 24 40
9 32 48
10 40 56
11 48 64
12 56 72
13 64 80
14 72 88
15 80 96
16 88 104
17 96 112
18 104 120
19 112 128
20 120 136
21 128 144
22 136 152
23 144 160
24 152 168
25 160 176
26 168 184
27 176 192
28 184 200
29 192 208
30 200 216
31 208 224
32 216 232

Number of User Output Points

The number of output slots


In standard mode (byte)

In RC3 compatible mode (byte)

4 0 0
5 8 8
6 16 16
7 24 24
8 32 32
9 40 40
10 48 48
11 56 56
12 64 64
13 72 72
14 80 80
15 88 88
16 96 96
17 104 104
18 112 112
19 120 120
20 128 128
21 136 136
22 144 144
23 152 152
24 160 160
25 168 168
26 176 176
27 184 184
28 192 192
29 200 200
30 208 208
31 216 216
32 224 224

ID : 1463

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