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ID : 5948

License Activation

To officially use WINCAPSIII Ver.3.60.0 or higher, license activation is required.

You can activate your license with "DENSO ROBOTICS License Manager" (hereinafter called License Manager), a license management software for DENSO Robot Software.


The activation requires an "activation key", which is issued on the DENSO ROBOT MEMBER website.
Issuing an "activation key" requires an "unique key", which is unique to a PC with WINCAPSIII installed, and a WINCAPSIII "license key".
The activation procedure, including how to obtain each key, is outlined below.

For details of each step, see "3.2 License registration/activation" in License Manager User's Guide(PDF:1,093KB).


With License Manager, display an "unique key", which is unique to your PC with WINCAPSIII installed, and a WINCAPSIII "license key".


Use the "unique key" and the "license key" to issue an "activation key" on the DENSO ROBOT MEMBER website.

You can access the website at the following URL:



Register the issued activation key on License Manager.


This completes the license activation.


A license is valid only for a single device (PC). Therefore, using the license for another device (PC) requires license deactivation. The license cannot be used for another device (PC) unless you deactivate it.
For the deactivation procedure, see "3.3 License removal/Deactivation" in License Manager User's Guide.

ID : 5948

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