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ID : 48

Transporting the Robot Unit

Precautions for Transporting the Robot Unit

The VS-*** series weighs approximately 50 kg. Use a crane with suitable capacity.

Transporting should be handled by at least two people, while wearing a helmet, safety shoes, and gloves.

Pass the hoisting wires through the specified eyebolts. Passing them through other sections may drop the robot unit, resulting in a broken robot or bodily injuries.

Faire passer les câbles de levage à travers les boulons à œil prévus à cet effet sans les introduire dans d’autres sections, car cela pourrait entraîner la chute du robot et éventuellement blesser quelqu'un.

Transport Posture

Before transportation, set the robot unit in a well-balanced transport posture as shown below.

The image below is an example of the posture of the VS-050 robot being transported.

Joint angles for keeping the robot unit in a well-balanced posture when hoisting it with eyebolts

VS-050: J1 = 0°, J2 = -10°, J3 = 140°, J4 = 0°, J5 = 50°, J6 = 180°
VS-060: J1 = 0°, J2 = -20°, J3 = 130°, J4 = 0°, J5 = 70°, J6 = 180°
VS-068: J1 = 0°, J2 = -10°, J3 = 140°, J4 = 0°, J5 = 50°, J6 = 180°
VS-087: J1 = 0°, J2 = -20°, J3 = 130°, J4 = 0°, J5 = 70°, J6 = 180°

Precautions for Transporting the Robot Unit Equipped with a Bottom Connector Panel

When transporting the robot unit equipped with a bottom connector panel, clear the pathway to the destination and make careful preparations beforehand to mount the robot unit at the destination. This is because connectors protrude from the bottom of the robot base so that the robot unit cannot be temporarily laid down on the floor.

Precautions for Overhead-Mount and Wall-Mount

When mounting the robot unit overhead or on a wall, observe the following for safety.

  1. Mounting should be handled by at least two people, while wearing safety shoes, gloves, safety goggles, a helmet, etc., for ensuring safety.
  2. Ensure a sufficient work space around the mounting place.
  3. When hoisting the robot unit, use a lift or crane with sufficient capacity.
  4. Make a jig exclusively designed to turn the robot unit safely.
  5. Check places where there is a potential danger of getting hands or body caught between the robot unit and the surroundings if you hoist the robot unit or turn it to the mounting position, then remove the danger beforehand.
  6. Do not stay under a hoisted robot.
  1. Le montage doit être assuré par au moins deux personnes portant des lunettes de protection, des chaussures de sécurité, des gants et un casque.
  2. Veiller à ménager un espace de travail suffisant autour du lieu de montage.
  3. Lors du levage du robot, utiliser un engin de levage ou un monte-charge d'une capacité adéquate.
  4. Prévoir un gabarit qui servira uniquement à faire tourner le robot en toute sécurité.
  5. S'assurer que les mains ou le corps de l'opérateur ne risquent pas d'être coincés entre le robot et la zone qui l'entoure lors du levage ou du pivotement du robot en position de montage. Le cas échéant, éliminer la source de danger potentielle.
  6. Ne pas se tenir sous un robot en cours de levage.

Ensure safety for the on-site environment, facilities, and the number of persons when mounting the robot unit. An installation example is given in Section "Overhead-Mount Example".

Precautions for Transporting a Wall-Mount Type of Robot Units

Consult the Denso representative.

Precaution for the Robot Equipped with the External Battery Unit

The robot equipped with the external battery unit has been removed the encoder backup battery which originally installed inside the robot. In the event of transporting or removing the robot, make sure to reinstall the encoder backup battery to the robot before removing the external battery unit from the robot. Removing the external battery unit without reinstallation of the encoder backup battery causes the loss of encoder data. Please confirm the reinstallation of the encoder backup battery in the robot before removing the external battery unit.

ID : 48

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