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ID : 585

Hand[n].UnChuck / SelectHand[m,n].UnChuck


To activate an unchuck motion. Use "SelectHand[m,n]Un.Chuck" when an electric gripper and the cooperative control function are used together.


Hand[n].UnChuck point number

For the combination use of an electric gripper and the cooperative control function

SelectHand[m,n].UnChuck point number

Guaranteed Entry

Point number
Designate a point data number (0-31) by integer type data.


An unchuck motion is activated.

The electric gripper is moved from the grip status to a given position in accordance with the designated point data settings.

Configure point data gripping motion settings in advance.

This cannot be executed before completion of a previous command.


Executing this command in the supervisory task is NOT highly recommended. However, if this command execution is inevitable, please pay extra attention to the following points.

  • If the electric gripper control board error occurs during execution of this command in the supervisory task, the supervisory task will stop.
  • If the electric gripper control board error occurs without this command execution, the supervisory task will not stop.


'!TITLE "Electric gripper chuck & unchuck motion"
' Electric gripper chuck & unchuck motion
' Need to teach point 0 to gripping motion
' and point 1 to moving motion
' with electric gripper beforehand.  

Sub Sample_HandChuck

' Chuck Electric gripper 0  at Point 0
Hand[0].Chuck 0

' Unchuck Electric gripper 0  at Point 1
Hand[0].Unchuck 1

End Sub

ID : 585

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