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ID : 588

Hand[n].Motor / SelectHand[m,n].Motor


Turn the motor power ON/OFF. Use "SelectHand[m,n].Motor" when an electric gripper and the cooperative control function are used together.


Hand[n].Motor ON/OFF[, TimeOut=timeout period]

For the combination use of an electric gripper and the cooperative control function

SelectHand[m,n].Motor ON/OFF[, TimeOut=timeout period]

Guaranteed Entry

Specify ON/OFF with an integer type data.
To turn the motor ON, enter ON, True or an integer other than 0.
To turn the motor OFF, enter OFF, False, or 0.
Timeout period
Specify a timeout period by integer type data. This is an optional value. This should be 30000 (30 seconds) if this is omitted.


The electric gripper motor is turned On or Off. If the electric gripper is in emergency stop state, the motor is not turned On by the motor On command. When the motor On command is executed with the electric gripper is already in motor On state, the electric gripper remains in motor On state.


An error occurs when an electric gripper motion command is executed with the electric gripper is in motor Off state.

This cannot be executed before completion of a previous command.

Executing this command in the supervisory task is NOT highly recommended. However, if this command execution is inevitable, please pay extra attention to the following points.

  • If the electric gripper control board error occurs during execution of this command in the supervisory task, the supervisory task will stop.
  • If the electric gripper control board error occurs during execution of this command with next option in the supervisory task, the supervisory task will not stop.
  • If the electric gripper control board error occurs without this command execution, the supervisory task will not stop.


'!TITLE Electric gripper motor power ON"
' Electric gripper motor power ON

Sub Sample_HandMotor

' Turn ON the motor power of the electric gripper 0 
Hand[0].Motor on

End Sub

ID : 588

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