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ID : 1181

Example Program of Force Sensor Robust Compliance Control

The following is an example program.

Description of the Example Program

  1. This is an example program for a fitting operation.
  2. Force Sensor Robust Compliance Control is started when the robot brings a workpiece to the start position of the force control.
  3. The force sensor value is reset (0N, 0Nm) when the force control starts.
  4. Force Sensor Robust Compliance Control ends when the robot has moved the workpiece a predetermined distance.


Sub Main
'!TITLE "Fitting operation"
' Position to get workpiece		P[1]
' Force control starting position		P[2] 
' Once this travel distance is achieved, force control ends	F[1]

  Dim startPos As Position
  Dim rotStartPos As Position
  Dim snsrVal As Position
  TakeArm Keep = 0
  Move P, @e P[1]				'Position to get workpiece
  Delay 100
  hand0.Chuck 1					'Hand chuck
  Delay 100
  Move P, @e P[2]				'Starting position
  startPos = CurPos				'Set the current position as a starting position
  ForceSensor 0					'Reset sensor
  Delay 500
  ForceCtrl True, 1, Mode = 3			'Start Force Sensor Robust Compliance Control
  snsrVal = ForceValue(0)			'Acquire the sensor value
  'Condition for motion end
  'Wait until the tool end moves F1 mm from the force control starting position
  If (Abs(PosZ(*)-PosZ(startPos)) > F[1]) Then GoTo StopProc 
  ForceCtrl False				'End the force control
  hand0.Unchuck 0				'Hand unchuck
End Sub

ID : 1181

ID : 1181

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