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ID : 5464

Force Sensor-Based Force Control Function

Types of the Function

The force sensor-based force control function is classified into the following two types.

This function is not a safety function that reduces a force applied when the robot collides with or contact a person.

Force Sensor Compliance Control

This function regulates a pressing force of the end of the robot tool, stabilizing robot operations, such as assembly and polishing.

The function is available to the following models.

Category Robot series Compatible version
6-axis robot VM, VS, VS-6556/6577, VP Ver.1.6.* or higher
4-axis robot HM, HMS, HS, HSS, HSA1, HSR, XR Ver.2.3.* or higher

Force Sensor Robust Compliance Control

This function regulates a pressing force of the end of the robot tool easily with fewer parameters required than Force Sensor Compliance Control.

The function is available to the following models.

Category Robot series Compatible version
6-axis robot VP-6242, VS-050/060, VS-068/087, VM-6083/60B1 Ver.2.19.* or higher

Safety Precautions

For safety precautions for using the force control function with a force sensor, refer to here.

Setup Flow

Below is the setup flow for this function. This setup flow is common to both Force Sensor Compliance Control and Force Sensor Robust Compliance Control, but some details of each step are different between the two functions.

1. Preparing Hardware
  • Attach a force sensor to the robot using a method appropriate for the type of the sensor you use.
2. Activating the Function
  • Register a license for the force sensor-based force control function and activate the function.
3. Sensor Setting
  • Configure the force sensor to be used for the function.
4. Parameter Setting
  • Specify the force control parameters used for the force control.
5. Parameter Adjustment
  • Adjust the specified force control parameters.
6. Programing
  • Create a PAC program for force control.

ID : 5464

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