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ID : 1327

Mini I/O Functions for other than Mini I/O Dedicated mode

When any of the I/O allocation modes (compatible, standard, or all user I/O) except the mini I/O dedicated mode is selected, all of the ports (except CPU Normal) occupied by the system I/O signals in the mini I/O dedicated mode will be released and used as user I/O ports as shown below. (Refer to "RC8 I/O Allocation" of the MINI I/O MANUAL).

  • System input ports #0 to #7 (Terminals #11 to #18 on CN5) will be used as user input ports.
  • System output ports #17 to #23 (Terminals #46 to #52 on CN5) will be used as user output ports.

The system output signal CPU Normal remains assigned to port #16 (Terminal #45 on CN5) even in the compatible, standard, or all user I/O mode.

ID : 1327

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