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ID : 2474

RSM Input


  1. When the RSM input is released (turns off) under the Auto mode, RSM function is activated. This input is controlled by the external device being connected. Once the external device releases (turns off) this input, RSM function is activated.
    This signal is dual lines. RSM function decelerates the robot to the specified speed and then monitors if the robot speed does not exceed the specified limit.
    There are three inputs as the table below shows. Each input has the different robot motion speed limit value. Select an input signal according to the intended operation.
    Signal name Robot motion speed limit
    RSM 1 input 125 mm/s
    RSM 2 input 250 mm/s
    RSM 3 input 500 mm/s
  2. Under the Manual mode, any input of RSM input monitors if the robot motion speed remains below 250 mm/s.

Terminal Number

Signal name Terminal number
RSM 1 input (Line 1) No.2 and 36 of Motion I/O Input
RSM 1 input (Line 2) No.18 and 52 of Motion I/O Input
RSM 2 input (Line 1) No.3 and 37 of Motion I/O Input
RSM 2 input (Line 2) No.19 and 53 of Motion I/O Input
RSM 3 input (Line 1) No.4 and 38 of Motion I/O Input
RSM 3 input (Line 2) No.20 and 54 of Motion I/O Input

Input Condition and Operation

  1. In Auto mode, release of this input starts monitoring and limiting the robot motion speed. This input is effective to Auto mode operation only. There is no effect on Manual or Teach-check mode.
  2. This input must be turned on (short-circuited) if the robot motion speed limit is not required under the Auto mode.
  3. If multiple speed monitoring inputs are turned off (released) simultaneously, the lowest speed limit value among the inputs will be used for speed monitoring and limiting.
  • If the time difference between two RSM inputs N (N represents a number from 1 to 3) is 0.5 second or more, it is deemed as an abnormal state. An error is issued and the motor power will turn off.
  • Use different contacts to control two RSM N inputs. If one RSM N circuit is always short-circuited, or if two RSM N circuits are joined in one circuit, it is deemed as an external circuit error, resulting in the stop of operation.

Timing Chart

ID : 2474

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