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ID : 2475

Tool Number Input


Tool number inputs specifies a Tool number that is used in RSM function and/or RPM function. This input is controlled by an external device being connected.
There are four Tool number inputs (0 to 3) and all of each inputs are dual lined. Each Tool number input represents 1-bit. To specify a Tool number, use 4-bit inputs (Tool number input 0 to 4). Available Tool number is 0 to 15.

Terminal Number

Signal name Terminal number
Tool number input 0 (Line 1) No.5 and 39 of Motion I/O Input
Tool number input 0 (Line 2) No.21 and 55 of Motion I/O Input
Tool number input 1 (Line 1) No.6 and 40 of Motion I/O Input
Tool number input 1 (Line 2) No.22 and 56 of Motion I/O Input
Tool number input 2 (Line 1) No.7 and 41 of Motion I/O Input
Tool number input 2 (Line 2) No.23 and 57 of Motion I/O Input
Tool number input 3 (Line 1) No.8 and 42 of Motion I/O Input
Tool number input 3 (Line 2) No.24 and 58 of Motion I/O Input

Input Condition and Operation

Specify a Tool number with "Tool number input 0" to "Tool number input 3" of the Motion I/O input. Each Tool number input represents one bit of binary data. One Tool number consists of four bits.

ON (short-circuit) represents one bit, and OFF (release) represents zero.

Example : To specify TOOL1, turn ON the "Tool number input 0" and turn OFF the rest of inputs.

  • If the time difference between two Tool number inputs N (N represents a number from 0 to 3) is 0.5 second or more, it is deemed as an abnormal state. An error is issued and the motor power will turn off.
  • Use different contacts to control two of Tool number input N. If one Tool number input N circuit is always short-circuited, or if two Tool number input N circuits are joined in one circuit, it is deemed as an external circuit error, resulting in the stop of operation.

ID : 2475

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