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ID : 5312

Direct Mode

This section describes the direct teaching mode in the MC8 series.
The direct teaching mode allows you to move the joint by hand (without using the teach pendant) with the motor OFF and teach the current position to a joint variable, position variable, or homogeneous transform matrix variable.

Usual teaching requires the motor to be turned ON.
  1. In the MC8 series, the system has no air balance cylinder on the Z-axis, so the operation procedure for the direct teaching mode differs from that of the conventional 4-axis robots.
  2. In the MC8 series, the brake is not released in the direct teaching mode.

Operation Procedure


Access : Top screen - [F2 Arm] - [F6 Aux] - [F8 Direct Teach]

System message appears.


Release the brake then press OK on the teach pendant.


Although "Unlocked arms(s) may fall." is displayed, in the MC8 series, the system has no air balance cylinder on the Z-axis, so please ignore this message.

Once the icon of the teach pendant is displayed on the upper left of the screen, the direct mode starts.


To stop the direct mode, press [F8 Direct Teach] on the Arm auxiliary functions screen.
The message shown below is displayed, and then press [OK].
To abort ending the direct mode, press [Cancel]. Arm auxiliary functions screen is displayed.

Teach pendant icon on the upper left of the screen disappears, then the direct mode ends.


ID : 5312

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