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ID : 5316

Arm Parameter Settings

Arm configuration parameters are provided for performing CP motions (linear) with joints being collaborated.

Operation procedure


Access : Top screen - [F2 Arm] - [F12 Maintenance] - [F10 Joint Settings] - [F2 Arm Setting]


"Arm setting" screen appears.


Change each arm parameter settings, then press [OK].
For detailed information about each parameter, see "Arm parameter list" shown below.


Once all parameter setting change is finished, press [OK].


Arm parameter setting change are saved and the "Joint setting" window appears.


Restart of the controller after parameter setting is not required.

Arm parameter list

Parameter name Entry range Factory setting Unit Specifications Note
Speed reducing rate in manual operation 1 to 50 10 % Limit the manual operation speed to 10 % or below of the automatic operation one.  
Max trans speed 1 to 100000000 800 mm/s Set the maximum translation speed in CP motion.  
Max trans accel 1 to 100000000 2000 mm/s2 Set the maximum translation acceleration in CP motion.  
Max rot speed 0.01 to 1000000 360.00 deg/s Set the maximum rotation speed in CP motion.  
Max rot accel 0.01 to 1000000 900.00 deg/s2 Set the maximum rotation acceleration in CP motion.  



ID : 5316

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