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ID : 2658

How to start Vision Edition-C

This section describes how to start Vision Edition-C.

Startup procedure

1: Connection check

Check if an external display and input devices necessary for your operation are connected properly.

2: Power-on

Turn on a COBOTTA.

Once the COBOTTA starts, the main screen of Vision Edition-C appears.

When you start this software first time, [Software License Agreement] of Vision Edition-C will be displayed.

3: Motion Preparation

Execute the Motion Preparation of COBOTTA.

Once the motion preparation completes, you can operate COBOTTA with Vision Edition-C.

4: Creating a Job

With Vision Edition-C, create a job for camera function and COBOTTA motion.

5: Operation

Execute a job created in Step 4.

If you want to execute a created job while an external display is not connected, with Vision Edition-C, open External Connection Settings and select External Trigger (Robot) and start the desired job from COBOTTA.


Once the operation completes, turn off a COBOTTA.

While saving Vision Edition-C data, do not turn off COBOTTA. Wait until data saving has been completed.

For information about Creating a Job and External Connection Settings, refer to respective section of "Vision Edtion-C Instruction Manual". (Link to the instruction manual (PDF:8,975KB)).

ID : 2658

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