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ID : 4093

Base Definition by using Easy Teaching

Operation path : Top window - [F2 Arm] - [F6 Aux] - [F10 Base] - [F4 Easy Edit]

Available function keys
[F5 Edit]

Display ten key.
With the ten key, enter P-type variable number to register, and then press [OK] on the ten key to register the coordinates of the registered P-type variable.

[F6 Get Position]

Load a current position into a position coordinate (P-type variable).
Choose desired number and position coordinate (P-type variable) and then press [OK] to load the current position.

About Three-point Teaching

Before performing the base definition, perform the teaching for arbitrary three points (an origin point, a point in the X-axis direction, and a point on the X-Y plane) as reference points and then register them to the position coordinates (P-type variables). Perform the base definition based on these data.

For each point, refer to the following table.

Point on X axis Specify a given point on the X-axis where X is greater than zero.
Point X-Y plane Specify a given point on the X-Y plane where Y is greater than zero (the first quadrant and the second quadrant).
Specifying a point where Y is smaller than zero may set the direction(s) of Y-axis and/or Z-axis to unexpected direction(s).
If Y = 0 is specified, calculation result will not output because the calculation is impossible.
When you use Easy Edit window for the three points teaching, it shall be performed on Work0 (base coordinate).


ID : 4093

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