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ID : 4139

Displaying and Changing Data Communication Settings Screen (For COM Selection)

Operation path : [F6 Setting] - [F5 Communication and Token] - [F3 Data Communication] - [Select COM for Device] - [F5 Edit]

Change data communication setting for COM device.
Select COM for device, and press [F5 Edit] to display the following [Data Communication Settings] window.
The currently selected item will be highlighted.
This setting item can be selected by directly touching the screen. Select the item to change in each item, and press [OK] in [Data Communication Settings] window to confirm the changed setting.


Item Description
Baud rate Specify transfer bit count per second.
Parity Specify the type of parity for error check.
Data length Specify the number of bits stored in a unit of data.
Stopbit Specify the length of stopbit.
Flow Specify the type of flow control.
Timeout Specify the time-out period that limits the allowable waiting time of the server response by milliseconds. This should be "infinite waiting" if "-1" is set.
DataType Select Text or Binary.
Delimiter When DataType is Text, specify a delimiter sign which delimits communication text.
Choose one from "CR(0x0D)", "CR+LF"(0x0D 0x0A)" or "LF(0x0A)".
Header When DataType is Binary, specify a header for communication.Choose "None" or "ENQ"(0x05).

ID : 4139

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