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ID : 4138

Displaying and Changing Data Communication Settings Screen

Operation path : [F6 Setting] - [F5 Communication and Token] - [F3 Data Communication]

Set communication of device.
Press [F3 Data Communicator] to display the following [Data Communication Settings] window.
After selecting the device, press [F5 Edit] key to change its settings.

Available function keys
[F5 Edit]

After selecting the device, and press [Edit] to display Data Communication Settings window.
The currently set and selected item will be highlighted.
Change the setting by directly touching the screen, and press [OK] in [Data Communication Settings] window to change it.
Press [OK] in [Data Communication Settings] window to confirm the changed setting.

[F6 Set COM Port Number]

Communication port number which is compatible with COM port are available.
To display a list of available COM port, select a device you would like to change then press [Set COM Port Number].
To change a communication port number, select a COM port you would like to use then press [OK] button on the communication port number list.

ID : 4138

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