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ID : 648

Hand[n].EmgState / SelectHand[m,n].EmgState


To present the emergency stop input status. Use "SelectHand[m,n].EmgState" when an electric gripper and the cooperative control function are used together."



For the combination use of an electric gripper and the cooperative control function


Return Value

Return the emergency stop input status by integer type data.


The emergency stop status of the electric gripper is presented.

Only Get is enabled. Put is not available.

Return value Hand status

Emergency stop is released
(Emergency stop input is short-circuited)

0(False) Emergency stop state

Related Terms


'!TITLE "Display of an emergency stop input status"
' Display an emergency stop input status on message output window
Sub Sample_HandEmgState

Dim aaa As Integer

' Assign current emergency stop input status to aaa
aaa = Hand[0].EmgState

' Display an emergency stop input status on the message output window
PrintDbg aaa

End Sub

ID : 648

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