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ID : 1411

Protective Stop(input)


Opening this input signal circuit in Auto mode allows the external device to continue-stop the robot. (dual line)

The stop category is category 1. (See IEC60204-1 for details of stop category)

Terminal Number

Signal name Terminal number
Protective Stop input 1 #4 and #38 on Mini I/O connector
Protective Stop input 2 #5 and #39 on Mini I/O connector


This signal is used for a safety door switch and other safety devices.

Input Conditions and Operation

If the protective stop is released in Auto mode, the program is suspended and the motor is turned off. Errors are not issued and the auto mode remains. If the protective stop is released in Auto mode, motor power on and the program startup are disabled. This state is used for a safety door switch. The protective stop input will not operate in the manual mode and teach check mode.

Two Protective Stop input signal circuits must be controlled with two separate contacts each. Two circuits connected in parallel using a single contact or an always-shorted circuit will be interpreted as an external circuit error so that the circuitry will not operate.

Input Timing

In Auto mode, this signal will be processed prior to other input signals and all commands.

Considering the order of recovery from the stops, such as the Emergency Stop, Protective Stop and the stop caused by the Enable Auto, is unnecessary. To recover from the Protective Stop, open the two junctions on the Protective Stopp lines, and then close them.

ID : 1411

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