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ID : 1568

Data Transfers

The link is for exchanging data between WINCAPSIII and the robot controller.

The following data is exchanged.


Data concerning programs.


Data for all variable values.

Arm coordinate

Data on tools, base, work, areas, path.


All log data. (received only)

You can select data area to be logged.
Press [Log setting], and then select the data storage memory or the working memory that you want to log.


All parameter data.

Includes parameters in the Parameter editing screen.

There are six types of data for parameters as follow.

  • Arm Parameters
  • Program
  • I/O
  • Hand
  • Teaching pendant
  • Hardware


Data related to the static variables and visions.


All configuration data (calset values, etc.)

Some items will not appear in the list of transferable data due to WINCAPSIII settings or robot controller specifications.

Receiving data from the robot controller updates the WINCAPSIII project data, nullifying any program updates in the interim.

ID : 1568

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