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ID : 1907


Button control is used as a switch for action.

Button Event

Event Description
CLICKED Button pressed
RELEASED Button released

Button Property

Property Name Data Type Description
Name String Parts name
PacScript cannot rewrite this property
Type Integer Parts name
PacScript cannot rewrite this property
X Integer X coordinates of the upper left corner of the drawing region
Y Integer Y coordinates of the upper left corner of the drawing region
Width Integer Width of the control(pixel size)
Height Integer Height of the control(pixel size)
FG Integer Foreground color
BG Integer Back color
Group Integer Group number to which part belongs
Active Integer

Visible / Invisible and Enable / Disable settings

Style Integer Display style
Caption String Display text
FName String

Font name

The font with * is installed in the robot controller

FSize Integer Font size
Justify Integer

Caption positioning

  • 0: Centered
  • 1: Right-justified
  • 2: Left-justified

ID : 1907

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