ID : 2299




Terminology Description
ABOVE One of the elbow figures of 6-axis robot. (⇔ BELOW)
absolute motion The motion to move to the motion target position set by teaching. (⇔ relative motion)
address setting
(IP address)
To set the controller IP address.  It is required in Ethernet communication.
approach vector Positive directional vector of Z-axis on the mechanical interface coordinates.
arm figure The figure determined by the value of the 1st through the 3rd axes of 6-axis robot. There are two kinds of figures; RIGHTY and LEFTY.
arm semaphore The privilege of robot control. The task which has the privilege can operate the robot.
automatic robot run To run the robot by executing a program.


Terminology Description
base The portion to install the 1st axis of the robot.
base coordinates The three dimensional orthogonal coordinate system which has the origin on the robot base.
base mounting surface The junction surface of the base and the installation frame.
BELOW One of the elbow figures of 6-axis robot. (⇔ ABOVE)
(releasing brakes)
To release the brake of each axis.
(locking brakes)
To apply the brake of each axis.


Terminology Description
CALSET Calibration of the relation between the actual robot position and the positional information of the controller.
CALSET of a single axis To perform CALSET on the specified axis only.
command The instruction written in a program. The controller reads commands in the sequence written in a program, interprets commands  and executes. 
command area A group of I/O ports which specify the I/O command type.
command processing complete The output signal to inform the completion of I/O command processing to the outside.
comment Explanatory notes in a program to make the program easy to understand. 
compatible mode The mode in which the I/O allocation is set to be compatible with the conventional series of robots. 
continuous start The start method to execute a program in iteration. The operation continues until it is forced to stop.
control log The record of the specified value, the encoder value, the current value and the load ratio. They are recorded by each motion axis.
CP control Compensation control to make the path from the current position to the motion target position a straight line or a circle. (⇔ PTP control )
current position The current position of the origin of the tool coordinates.
cycle stop The stop method to stop a program after one cycle execution.


Terminology Description
D variable
(Double-precision variable)
The variable which has a value of double precision real number (15 digits of effective precision).
data area A group of I/O ports to specify the necessary data for I/O command.
deadman switch The switch which moves robot as long as any of the arm traverse keys is pressed simultaneously for safety. The robot stops immediately when either the arm traverse key or the deadman switch is released.
defining interference area To define the interference area. It is set either with the teach pendant, in WINCAPSIII or with the program command.
Defining tool coordinates To define tool coordinates.  Origin offset amount and rotational angle amount around each axis are defined in reference to the mechanical interface coordinates. TOOL1 through TOOL63 can be defined.
DOUBLE The rotation angle (θ6) of the 6th axis is within the range of 180°<θ6≤360° or -360°<θ6≤-180° around the Z axis in mechanical interface coordinates. (⇔ SINGLE)


Terminology Description
elbow figure The figure determined by the 2nd and the 3rd axis value of 6-axis robot. There are two kinds of elbow figures; ABOVE and BELOW.
enable auto The signal to enable auto mode in ON condition. Manual mode and teach check mode are possible in OFF condition.
encoder value check motion The motion which judges that the target position is reached when the encoder value becomes within the specified pulse range toward the motion target position set by teaching.
end motion The motion which judges that the target position is reached when the specified position of the servo coincides with the motion target position set by teaching.
error code Eight digits hexadecimal code which describes error causes/conditions occurred in the robot or in WINCAP3. 
error log Record of the error content and occurred time.
execution program The program converted to the data format intelligible to the robot.
external acceleration The acceleration value set with the teach pendant. Percentage value to the maximum acceleration is inputted.
external automatic run To execute a program from the external device.
external deceleration The deceleration value set with the teach pendant.  Percentage value to the maximum acceleration is inputted.
external speed The speed set with the teach pendant. Percentage value to the maximum speed is inputted.


Terminology Description
F variable
(Floating-point variable)
The variable which has a value of single precision real number (7 digits of effective precision).
FIG The number which denotes the robot figure.
figure The possible status of each axis (joint) of the robot. Multiple figures are possible for the same position and posture.
figure component The component which determine figure. There are five components in 6-axis robot; arm, elbow, wrist, the 6th axis and the 4th axis.
first arm The robot arm nearest to the base.
FLIP One of the wrist figures of 6-axis robot. (⇔ NONFLIP)
function keys The buttons provided under the pendant screen. Function names are displayed on the lower part of the screen and executes the function upon pressing the button.


Terminology Description
global variable The variable available for any task.


Terminology Description
halt The stop method to stop the program immediately. The motor power is not turned off.
The portion to hold the work. The same as tool.


Terminology Description
I variable
(Integer variable)
The variable which has an integer value.
I/O The input and/or output signal.
I/O command The process command given by the external device through the I/O port. The robot controller processes according to this command.
installation frame The platform to install the robot.
interference area The area provided by the user to watch if the tool interferes with the installation. If the origin of the tool coordinates enters into this area, output signal is issued from the specified I/O port.
internal acceleration The acceleration set in a program.
internal automatic run To execute a program from the operating panel or the teach pendant.
internal deceleration The deceleration set in a program.
internal speed The speed set in a program.
interrupt skip signal The input signal which halts the operation of the current step when it is ON during the execution of a robot command and starts the execution of the next step.


Terminology Description
J variable
(Joint variable)
The variable denoted by the value of each axis.
jog dial The dial on the pendant which is used to move cursor or to select a path on the input screen.
joint mode The mode in which the robot is manually operated on each axis.


Terminology Description
LEFTY One of the arm figures of 6-axis robot. (⇔ RIGHTY)
load capacity The mass of the sum of the tool and the work which the robot can hold.
local variable The variable which is utilized within a task.
log The record about operations, motions, etc. of the robot. There are kinds of logs; error log, operation log, and control log.


Terminology Description
machine lock The state of simulating motion by the robot controller without actual robot motion.
macro The definition of names with 12 characters in regard to variable numbers and port numbers. Names are replaced with numbers in program execution.
macro definition file The file which defines macro.
manual robot operation Robot operation by the user using the operation keys of the teach pendant or the operating panel.
mechanical end The mechanical motion limit set by the mechanical stopper. (⇔software limit)
mechanical interface The junction surface of the flange and the tool. Mechanical interface (JIS)
mechanical interface coordinates Three dimensional orthogonal coordinate system which has the origin on the center of the flange.
mechanical stopper The mechanism to restrict the motion of the robot axes physically.
menu tree The description of the functional menu of function keys in tree form. 
mode switch The switch on the pendant. It can switch the robot run mode.
monitor To display the current status of the robot.
motion space The range in which the robot can operate.
multitasking The state in which multiple programs are executed virtually simultaneously. It is realized in the way that  CPU of the robot controller executes each program in a short interval by turns.


Terminology Description
NLIM The negative directional end value of the software limit. (⇔ PLIM)
NONFLIP One of the wrist figures of 6-axis robot. (⇔ FLIP)
normal mode The standard allocation mode of I/O.
normal vector Positive directional vector of X-axis on the mechanical interface coordinates.


Terminology Description
operating mode The mode in which the robot is operated manually. Three are three modes; each axis mode, X-Y mode and TOOL mode.
operation log The record of operations about the use of the teach pendant or the operating panel.
Operator One of the user levels of WINCAPSIII. Important parameters cannot be changed.  Password input is not necessary.
orient vector Positive directional vector of Y-axis on the mechanical interface coordinates.
overhead version The robot specified to install as it hangs from the ceiling setting the base above and the arm below. As the installation space is not needed on the working platform, working space could be wider.


Terminology Description
P variable
(Position variable)
The variable denoted by the position, the posture and the figure.
PacScript The robot language used in Denso robot (RC8 series). It is upward compatible from SLIM. (Industrial robot language of JIS)
palletizing To put in or take out parts, etc. to/from the pallet with partition.
panel operation To make ON/OFF operation of the internal I/O from the teach pendant screen.
pass motion The motion to pass near the motion target position set by teaching.
pendantless state To run the robot from the external device when the operating panel or the teach pendant is not connected.
pitch angle The rotational angle around Y-axis.
plate mechanical interface The portion to install tools located on the top end of the robot arm.
PLIM The positive directional end value of the software limit. (⇔ NLIM)
position data The data of the base coordinates which describes the position of the robot flange center (the tool top end when the tool definition is effective) and the robot posture at the time.
posture The inclination of the tool determined by the roll, pitch and yaw angles in case of 6-axis robot. The tool direction determined by the angle around Z-axis in case of 4-axes robot.
powering OFF the motor To turn off the motor power of the robot.
powering OFF the robot controller To turn off the power of the robot controller.
powering ON the motor To turn on the motor power of the robot.
powering ON the robot controller To turn on the power of the robot controller.
priority The sequence of task execution in order of importance. The program with higher priority is executed first.
program reset The input signal to force program execution from the top of the program.
program start The input signal to start a program. When it is a step stop, execution begins from the next step and when it is a halt, execution begins from the following of the same step.
program transfer To send/receive robot programs between the robot controller and WINCAPSIII (PC).
Programmer One of the user levels of WINCAPSIII. All the common operations are possible. Password input is necessary to enter into this mode.
PTP control The control which moves the robot arm to the target position without compensation. The path may not necessarily be a straight line. (⇔ CP control)


Terminology Description
RANG The angle which determines the relation of the robot standard position and the mechanical end.
relative motion The motion to move from the current position for the motion amount set by teaching. (⇔ absolute motion)
RIGHTY One of the arm figures of 6-axis robot. (⇔ LEFTY)
robot error The output signal which informs that an error condition occurred in the robot such as servo error, program error, etc.
robot stop The stop method to stop programs immediately and power off the motor.
robot warning The output signal which informs that a slight error occurred during I/O command or servo processing.
roll angle The rotational angle around Z-axis.
RX component The amount of rotational angle around the X coordinate axis.
RY component The amount of rotational angle around the Y coordinate axis.
RZ component The amount of rotational angle around the Z coordinate axis.


Terminology Description
second arm The farther arm of the robot arms measured from the base.
semaphore The task execution privilege which is used to synchronize among tasks or to do exclusive control among the tasks that must not be executed simultaneously.
servo ON The signal to inform to the outside that the motor power is on.
setting the Control Set of Motion Optimization The function which sets the optimal speed and acceleration in response to the load condition or the posture of the robot.
SINGLE The rotation angle (θ6) of the 6th axis is within the range of -180°<θ6≤180° around the Z axis in mechanical interface coordinates. (⇔ DOUBLE)
single-cycle start The start method to make a program execute one cycle. The program stops after one cycle execution (to the last step of the program).
single-step start The start method to make a program execute one step. The program stops after one step execution. 
singular point The position on the boundary of the two figures.
snapshot The function to record the current status of the robot.
software limit The limit of the robot motion range determined by the software. (⇔ mechanical end)
status area A group of output signals to inform the result of I/O command processing. The status corresponding to the I/O command is set.
step check One step execution of a program in teach check mode.
step stop The stop method to stop a program after one step execution.
STOP key One of the pendant buttons. Pressing the button makes all programs halt immediately.
strobe signal The input signal to instruct the start of I/O command processing.
subroutine The program which describes a specific motion and is called from a portion of a main program.
system I/O signals The input/output signals fixed to the system in order to inform the run control or run condition to the outside.
system variable The variable to check the system condition in a program.


Terminology Description
T variable
(Homogeneous transform matrix variable)
The variable denoted by the position vector, the orient vector, the approach vector and the figure.
task The motion process formed by each program when multiple programs are managed their simultaneous execution.
teach check To check the motion by the program.
teaching To input the necessary information for operation into the robot using the teach pendant.
tool The portion of the robot which affects the work immediately. It is a synonym of end-effector (JIS).
tool coordinates The coordinate system which sets the origin on the tool and offsets the origin of the mechanical interface coordinates to any point and rotates around each axis.
TOOL mode The manual operation mode on the tool coordinates.
TOOL0 A special form of tool definition that has origin offset zero, i.e. it implies the mechanical interface coordinates.

traveling shaft

An extended-joint that linearly carries a robot for operation.
type declaration To declare the type of variable in a program.


Terminology Description
user coordinates The coordinate system which users can define.
user I/O signals The input/output signals controllable by the user program.
user level The class provided for users to keep data management security. Access to information or operation is restricted by each class. 


Terminology Description
variable table A group of data which are the pair of each port number and value retained by the controller.
visual device The device to provide the robot with necessary data by processing the images inputted from the camera.
visual function The function to provide the robot control function with necessary data by processing the images inputted from the camera.


Terminology Description
work coordinates The three dimensional orthogonal coordinate system which sets the origin on the work to be processed by the robot.
wrist figure The figure determined by the value of the 4th and the 5th axis of the 6-axis robot. There are two kinds of wrist figures; FLIP and NONFLIP.


Terminology Description
X-Y mode The manual operation mode on the base coordinates.


Terminology Description
yaw angle The rotational angle around X-axis.

ID : 2299