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ID : 7529


To read robot-related information, such as robot motion status, from a robot controller and save it to a robot variable.

Graphic expression FB category

Input and Output Variable

Variable name Data type Valid range Default Omission (*)
AxesGroup eRC_AxesGroup No
Robot Group
Specify a robot variable (structured type data : eRC_AxesGroup) of user-defined type.

Input Variable

Variable name Data type Valid range Default Omission (*)
InAddress ARRAY [0..255] OF BYTE - - No
Field network input variable
Specify an input tag that has been generated in the field network communication setting.

(*) : For some parameters, entries can be omitted.

  • Yes : Entry can be omitted.
  • No : Entry required always.

Output Variable


Function Description

To read robot-related information, such as robot motion status, from a robot controller and save it to a robot variable (Structured type data: eRC_AxisGroup). 
In actual operation, robot controller information is stored in the "Status" variable which is in the robot variable (structured type data: eRC_AxisGroup).

For InAddress, specify an input tag that has been generated in the field network communication setting.

The method of field network communication configuration differs depending on PLCs. Please refer to the user's manual of your PLC.


The value of the variable "Status"(*1) updated in this FB is used to control the robot by other FB of Command-Slave. If the value of the variable "Status" is old, the robot may not be controlled properly by other FB of Command-Slave.
Therefore, be sure to place this FB at the beginning of the program.

*1 : "Status" variable is a variable that is stored in the robot variable (structured type data: eRC_AxisGroup).

ID : 7529

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