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ID : 313



To declare local variable for Joint Type.


DefJnt variable name [=initial value][,variable name 2[=initial value 2]…]

Guaranteed entry

Variable name
Designate a variable name. Each name must be specified in accordance with the Naming convention.
Initial value
Designate an initial value for the variable you created.
Variable name 2, initial value 2
You can declare multiple local variables of Joint Type at the same time. ", (comma)" can be used for a separation.



Related Terms



This command is RC7M compatible, but an unrecommended command. This might be no longer supported, so use Dim for future use.

When you don't put any value in initial value, "J(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)" will be assigned.


'!TITLE "Declaration of Joint Type Data"
' Assign a value to variable declared in joint type data and display it on the message output window
Sub Sample_DefJnt

  ' Declare a variable aaa in joint type data
  DefJnt aaa

  aaa = J( 10, 20, 30, 40, 30, 20 )

  ' Display J( 10, 20, 30, 40, 30, 20 ) on the message output window
  PrintDbg aaa

End Sub

ID : 313

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