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ID : 330



To present Single Precision Real Number Type data.


This is used together with "Dim" in declaration of Single Precision Real Number Type local variables.


This command is RC7M compatible, but an unrecommended command. You need to rewrite the description to Single because this command might no longer be supported in the future.


'!TITLE "Declaration of Single Precision Real Number Type Data"
' Assign a value to declared variable and display it on the message output window
Sub Sample_Float 

  ' Declare a variable named aaa in single precision real number type data
  Dim aaa As Float

  ' Declare a variable named bbb in single precision real number type data
  Dim bbb As Float

  aaa = 1234.567

  bbb = 1234.5678

  ' Display 1234.567 on the message output window
  PrintDbg aaa 

  ' Display 1234.568 on the message output window
  PrintDbg bbb

End Sub

ID : 330

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