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ID : 755



Make Servo Lock unlocked for the designated axis.


SrvUnlock True/False, axis number

Guaranteed entry

Enable/Disable the servo lock by an integer type data.
To enable this command, enter True or an integer other than 0.
To disable this command, enter False or 0.
Axis number
Designate an axis number by integer type data.


Make Servo Lock unlocked using True in the first argument for the designated axis. Once you use False, Servo Lock returns to regular status (locked). To return to the regular status using False in the first argument, using "0" for the second argument (axis number) allows all designated axes to return to the regular status.
H Series Robot in Horizontal Articulated Robot can only be operated with this syntax.
This command is not available for the Extended-joints.
To execute this statement, the task must acquire robot axis control.

Related Terms



  • When you run this command while a robot is moving, the command does not start until the robot fully stops.


'!TITLE "Unlock ServoLock"

Sub Sample_SrvUnLock 

  SrvUnLock True, 1
  SrvUnLock True, 2
  io[128] = Off
  Wait io[128] = On
  SrvUnLock False, 0

End Sub

ID : 755

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