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ID : 781

Color Variation

With regard to the way of specifying color, two options are available in the "Color Type" property of the panel controller.

Specify a color with Full Color RGB

To specify a color, use RGB.


For example, to specify RGB(0,128,255), input "&HFF8000".

Input range is 0 - &HFFFFFF.

Following macro definition makes it easier to specify a color by RGB.

#Define RGB(r,g,b) (r or g<<8 or b<<16)
Sub PB1_Released()
	Panel.BG = RGB(255,0,0) 'A background color is made into red.
End Sub

Specify a color with System Color

To specify a color, use following index number (-1 to 14).

Index No Color Name
-1 White
0 Black
1 Blue
2 Green
3 Cyan
4 Red
5 Magenta
6 Blown
7 Light gray
8 Gray
9 Light blue
10 Light green
11 Light cyan
12 Light red
13 Light magenta
14 Yellow

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ID : 781

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