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ID : 1908


Label control is the control to display string type data and image file.

Displayed string type data is a value in "Caption" property.

To display an image file, enter a file name (path) in "Picture" property. If no value is set in "Picture" property, a value in "Caption" property will be displayed.

Event of Label

There is no event of label.

Property of Label

Name Data type description
Name String Component type
Not rewritable with PacScript
Type Integer Component type
Not rewritable with PacScript
X Integer X-coordinate at the left top corner of the control from the upper left of drawing area.
Y Integer Y-coordinate at the left top corner of the control from the upper left of drawing area.
Width Integer Width of the control (pixel size)
Height Integer Height of the control (pixel size)
FG Integer Character color (refer to "color designation.")
BG Integer Background color (refer to "color designation.")
Group Integer The number of group which the component belongs to
Active Integer Select Visible or Invisible
Caption String Character displayed in the component. It is displayed when no value is set in "Picture" property.
FName String Font name. Font with "*" is a font installed in the robot controller.
FSize Integer Character size
Picture String * File name (path) of image file
Refer to "placement of image data."
StretchMode Integer Specify the way to place an image file
  • 0: Display in same magnification
  • 1: Display in accordance with the frame size
  • 2: Display in circumscribed mode
  • 3: Display in inscribed mode
StretchQuality Integer Select display quality of image
  • 0: Low image quality, but fast display
  • 1: Practical image quality and fast display
  • 2: High image quality, but slow display
Justify Integer Display position of characters
  • 0: Center
  • 1: Right Justify
  • 2: Left Justify

Picture property displays a String of a file name (path) for the image file when it is substituted, but return value is the image data. A return value cannot be used in comparison expression.

Property "StretchMode"

ID : 1908

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Related Information
Placement of Image Data