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ID : 784

Placement of Image Data

To place an image on the panel screen, designate a BitMap file at Picture property in label control.

Only BMP file in Windows standard format can be placed on the panel screen.

How to Place an Image


Import an image file

Import an image file (BMP file) to place it in the project through WINCAPSIII.

Select a folder in the project for import in project window.

[Select Project (&P)] - [Import program (&I)...], or right-click a folder and select [Import program].

Select a file for import and import it.

A file name for imported BMP file should be based on naming convention.


Place an image file in label control.

Create a label control.

Click "Picture" property in label control and select an imported BMP file.

Adjust image view using "StretchMode" property, "StretchQuality" property, "Width" property and "Height" property.


Saving of panel screen file and data transmission

Save a panel screen file and transmit data to the controller.

Placement of Image Data in PacScript

You can place an image file and switch it in PacScript.

Sub PB_HS_Clicked()	'The button which displays a screen
	Label1.Picture = "Image\HS.bmp"
End Sub

Sub PB_CLR_Clicked()	'The button which erases a picture 
	Label1.Picture = 0
End Sub

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ID : 784

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