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ID : 2970

I/O Allocation

Mini I/O is allocated to other than Mini I/O dedicated mode. (For details, refer to "RC8A I/O Allocation", "RC8A I/O Allocation"). Mini I/O allows user-input (Terminal No.11 to 26) and user-output(Terminal No.46 to 60) to map with Object dictionary. Hand I/O allows hand-Output (Terminal No.1 to 8) and hand-input(Terminal No.9 to 16) to map with Object dictionary. When Mini I/O External Emergency Stop, Protective Stop and/or Enable Auto has been input, the status that the internal robot controller recognizes can map to Object dictionary as Status I/O.

Object Dictionary

Index Subindex Name Datatype Accessright Initial value Comment
0x3000 0x00 Mini IO UINT RO - External devices->RC8
0x3001 0x00 Hand IO USINT RO - >External devices->RC8
0x3002 0x00 Status IO USINT RO - >External devices->RC8
0x3010 0x00 Mini IO UINT RW - RC8->External devices
0x3011 0x00 Hand IO USINT RW - RC8->External devices

Mini IO (External devices->RC8)

Bit Description
0 User input(Terminal No.11)
1 User input(Terminal No.12)
2 User input(Terminal No.13)
3 User input(Terminal No.14)
4 User input(Terminal No.15)
5 User input(Terminal No.16)
6 User input(Terminal No.17)
7 User input(Terminal No.18)
8 User input(Terminal No.19)
9 User input(Terminal No.20)
10 User input(Terminal No.21)
11 User input(Terminal No.22)
12 User input(Terminal No.23)
13 User input(Terminal No.24)
14 User input(Terminal No.25)
15 User input(Terminal No.26)

Mini IO (RC8->External devices)

Bit Description
0 -(Disable)
1 User output(Terminal No.46)
2 User output(Terminal No.47)
3 User output(Terminal No.48)
4 User output(Terminal No.49)
5 User output(Terminal No.50)
6 User output(Terminal No.51)
7 User output(Terminal No.52)
8 User output(Terminal No.53)
9 User output(Terminal No.54)
10 User output(Terminal No.55)
11 User output(Terminal No.56)
12 User output(Terminal No.57)
13 User output(Terminal No.58)
14 User output(Terminal No.59)
15 User output(Terminal No.60)

Hand IO (RC8->External devices)

Bit Description
0 Hand output(Terminal No.1)
1 Hand output(Terminal No.2)
2 Hand output(Terminal No.3)
3 Hand output(Terminal No.4)
4 Hand output(Terminal No.5)
5 Hand output(Terminal No.6)
6 Hand output(Terminal No.7)
7 Hand output(Terminal No.8)

Hand IO (External devices->RC8)

Bit Description
0 Hand input(Terminal No.9)
1 Hand input(Terminal No.10)
2 Hand input(Terminal No.11)
3 Hand input(Terminal No.12)
4 Hand input(Terminal No.13)
5 Hand input(Terminal No.14)
6 Hand input(Terminal No.15)
7 Hand input(Terminal No.16)

Status IO (RC8->External devices)

Bit Description Remarks
0 External Emergency Stop 0:OFF (When the dual line of both External Emergency Stop input are Short-circuiting.)
1:ON (When one of the dual line of External Emergency Stop input is not Shortcircuiting.)
If turning ON the External Emergency Stop, a robot will stop.
1 Protective Stop 0:OFF (When the dual line of both Protective Stop input are Short-circuiting.)
1:ON (When one of the dual line of Protective Stop input is not Short-circuiting.)
Even if turning ON the Protective Stop, the program of the robot controller does not suspend. Monitor with the external devices regularly, create a robot-stop trajectry and send that data. The robot stops by Emergency stop if the status of the robot controller device (Statusword) is not transitted to except "Operation enabled" after the change of Protective Stop from OFF to ON within 500 ms.
2 Enable Auto 0:OFF (When one of the dual line of Enable Auto input is not Short-circuiting.)
1:ON (When the dual line of both Enable Auto input are Short-circuiting.)
As the function of EtherCAT Slave Motion operates in the pendantless state, when using this function, the controller's internal mode is auto mode. The dual line of Enable Auto input shall be Short-circuiting. If Enable Auto is OFF, the motor cannot be turned ON.
3 to 7 Reserved -

ID : 2970

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