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ID : 7265

List of I/O Commands

The table below lists I/O commands.

Command area Data area
000 Operation Preparation

001 Motor Power ON
010 External speed 100 100 External Mode switching
100 Motion preparation
111 Execution of all above (Motion preparation > Motor Power ON > SP100)

001 Clear Robot Error

010 Program Start Program number
011 Continue Start -
100 Specified Program Reset Program number
101 All Programs Reset -
111 Command for COBOTTA

001 AutoCAL

Order of Bit Strings

For command area, the data area 1 and the data area 2, each figure on the bit strings is expressed to the zero bit, the first bit, and the second bit from the right.

See "Command and Data Areas" for the meanings of 0 and 1.
For about bits and terminal allocation, see "I/O Allocation" of Products infomataion.

Example 1: 001 Clear Robot Error

The table below shows the correspondence between bit strings and areas. "Clear Robot Error" command does not use the data area.

Bit Command area Data area
The zero bit 1 -
The first bit 0 -
The second bit 0 -


Based on the table above, each port turns ON (short) /OFF (open) as shown below.

Terminal No. Application ON (short) /OFF (open)
13 Data area The zero bit ON or OFF*
14 Data area The first bit ON or OFF*
15 Data area The second bit ON or OFF*
16 Command area The zero bit ON
17 Command area The first bit OFF
18 Command area The second bit OFF

* Because I/O commands do not refer to these port numbers, both ON and OFF are acceptable.

Example 2: 000 Operation Preparation, 001 Motor Power ON

The table below shows the correspondence between bit strings and areas.

Bit Command area Data area
The zero bit 0 1
The first bit 0 0
The second bit 0 0


Based on the table above, each port turns ON (short) /OFF (open) as shown below.

Terminal No. Application ON (short) /OFF (open)
13 Data area The zero bit ON
14 Data area The first bit OFF
15 Data area The second bit OFF
16 Command area The zero bit OFF
17 Command area The first bit OFF
18 Command area The second bit OFF

ID : 7265

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