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ID : 7969

Error Read (0100)


This command outputs the existing error number to the status area.

This command is output to the status area only when the strobe signal remains ON.

The displayed error code is not output as it is. This command will convert the existing error code displayed on the error dialogue to RC7M's error code which has the same meaning of the existing error code.
For the error code correspondence, refer to the "Error Code".

By specifying the error output area into the user output, the error code displayed in the error dialog can be output as-is.。For details, refer to [32bit Error Code Output IO No] in the "Displaying and Changing I/O Parameters" of the Operation Guide.

This command will not be output if a minor error occurs, such as a program selection error, caused by the operation of the Remote TP/Virtual TP.


Command area (4 bits, input)


Data area 1 (8 bits, input)

Nothing will be input.

Data area 2 (16 bits, input)

Nothing will be input.

Status area (16 bits, output)

The existing error code will be output.

Hexadecimal Codes

Refer to the figure given below.

The following figure shows an example of error number output when error "6174" occurs.


If a command is executed when a robot error or the robot warning signal is output, the error number, which caused the robot error or robot warning signal to be output, will be output to the status area.

If no error exists after an error has been cleared, "0" will be output to the status area. Also, when there is an error that does not output any robot error or robot warning signal, "0" will be outputted.

ID : 7969

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