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ID : 691

Arithmetic Function

The arithmetic function returns a result of calculation performed independent of the robot.

Command name Function
Max To return a maximum value.
Min To return a minimum value.
Sqr To return square root.
Pow To return a value obtained by raising a specified numeric value by a specified value.
Exp A numeric operation function to calculate an exponential function (exponential of base e formula).
Log To return a natural logarithm.
Log10 To return a common logarithm.
RadDeg To convert the angle unit from radian to [Degree].
DegRad To convert a value in angle unit of [Degree] into radian.
Abs To return an absolute value.
Sgn To investigate the numeric value sign (positive/negative) and return the result.
Rnd To return a random number over 0 and below 1.
Int To return the maximum integer value not exceeding the designated value.
Fix To return integer part of the numerical value.
Sin To return sine.
Cos To return cosine.
Tan To return tangent.
Asin To return arcsine.
Acos To return arccosine.
Atn To return arctangent.
Atn2 To return arctangent obtained by subtracting x from y.

ID : 691

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