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ID : 1963

Base Coordinates and Work Coordinates

Base Coordinates in 4-Axis Robots

Base coordinates are 3-dimensional Cartesian coordinates with its origin at the center of the robot base. It has components Xb, Yb, and Zb which are identical with X, Y, and Z in X-Y mode.

Work Coordinates in 4-Axis Robots

Work coordinates are 3-dimensional Cartesian coordinates defined for each operation space of workpiece. The origin can be defined anywhere and up to 7 points. It lies at a corner of the rectangular parallelepiped envelope of an object workpiece as shown below. Work coordinates are expressed by the coordinate origin (X, Y, Z) corresponding to the base coordinates and the angles of rotation (RX, RY, RZ) around X, Y and Z axes of base coordinates. However, value of RX and RY are defined as RX=0 and RY=0 respectively.

If work coordinates are not defined, base coordinates come into effect.

ID : 1963

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