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ID : 5225

Features of PAC Language

Descriptions of PacScript

What is PacScript

PacScript is a programming language to control DENSO Robotics.

"Pac" in "PacScript" refers to initial letters of the following words.

  • P: Programable
  • A: Automation
  • C: Controller

Configuration of PacScript

PacScript generates execution programs based on the user created program file. This execution program is called "task". Various actions and process are available by executing the tasks.

RC8 series manages files like general personal computers do. You can create multiple program files and manage them in folders.

Files which can be Managed by RC8 Series

Name of file (file name) as follows managed by RC8 series must be based on naming convention.

  • Program Files
    A file for describing PacScript program. You can execute this file as a task. General program files, supervisory task program files and panel program files are included.
  • Header file
    A file for describing Macro definition. File extension is ".h".
  • Other files
    BMP files used on the panel can be managed.

Statement and Line

A PAC language program is configured with multiple lines.

  • One statement can be described on an arbitrary line.
  • The length of a line may be up to 1024 bytes.
  • A statement is the minimum unit to describe a process in the PAC language and it is comprised of one command.
  • A command is comprised of a command name and the information (parameter) given to the command.


The PAC language has regulations for identifying various elements in a program. This chapter provides an explanation of these regulations. Names that express commands, variables, functions, labels and programs follow the conventions described below.

  • The first letter should be a character of alphabet [a to z].
  • The second-to-last character should be alphabet [a to z], number or "_ (underscore)".
  • These are case-insensitive."Test01", "test01" and "TEST01" are recognized as identical characters.
  • Only one-byte characters are available.
  • The maximum number of characters that can be used for a name is 64.
  • Reserved word cannot be used for a name.

ID : 5225

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