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ID : 5457

Quarterly Inspections

Check Items

Check the items listed in the table below every three months.

Quarterly Inspections Table

No. Check: Controller Power How to check: Criterion What to do:
1 Robot base mounting bolts OFF Measure the tightening torque with a torque wrench. No looseness.
Specified torque:128 ±26 Nm
Tighten the bolts to the specified torque.
2 Cooling fan filters in the robot controller OFF Visually No dust or dirt. Clean the cooling fan filters.
3 Sealing for 2nd and 3rd-axis
(Dust- & splash-proof type)
OFF Visually No cracks. Contact to your sales representative.

Cleaning the Cooling Fan Filters in the Robot Controller

For the cleaning procedures of the air intake filter, refer to the RC8 SERIES ROBOT CONTROLLER MANUAL, "Cleaning Intake Port Filter".

Inspection of the 2nd- and 3rd-Axis Sealing (Dust- & splash-proof type)

Check if there are no cracks around the sealing of the 2nd- and 3rd-axis.

If you find any cracks, please contact Denso services.

Case 1 : There is No Sealing on the 2nd-Axis.

Case 2 : A Crack is Found on the Sealing of 2nd-Axis.

Case 3 : Several Cracks are Found on the Sealing of 2nd-Axis.


ID : 5457

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