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ID : 5596

Precautions in Use of Force Sensor Provider

If the Force Sensor Compliance Control option is enabled, replace the following commands of the force sensor providers to the different command as shown below.

Provider command Replace / Delete
AddController method No need (delete)
get_Value on "@data" variables ForceValue command
  1. WACOH DynPick provider

    "OffsetReset" command on CaoController::Execute method

  2. ATI Net F/T provider

    "BIAS" command on CaoController::Execute method

ForceSensor 0 command


In the example program below, provider commands are replaced into the different commands.

Original Program (Provider Commands are Used)

'!TITLE "Pro2.pcs"

 Sub Main
    dim ctrl as object
    dim var as object
    set ctrl = cao.addcontroller("wacoh", "caoprov.wacoh.dynpick", "",
 "conn=tcp:, @Ifnotmember")
    set var = ctrl.AddVariable("@Data", "@Ifnotmember")

    dim vntVal as variant

    vntVal = var.value

    I11 = vntval(0)
    I12 = vntval(1)
    I13 = vntval(2)
    I14 = vntval(3)
    I15 = vntval(4)
    I16 = vntval(5)
    I17 = vntval(6)

 End Sub

Program Replaced by the Different Commands

  • Processing of the line 4-8 are not necessary.
  • "var.Value" written in the line 12 is replaced by ForceValue(1).
  • Sensor ID is not required when the values are stored in variables.
    (I17=vnVal(6) will be an error)
'!TITLE "Pro2.pcs"

 Sub Main
     dim vntVal as variant

     vntVal = ForceValue(1)

     I11 = vntval(0)
     I12 = vntval(1)
     I13 = vntval(2)
     I14 = vntval(3)
     I15 = vntval(4)
     I16 = vntval(5)

End Sub


ID : 5596

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