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ID : 5786


For the specifications of EtherCAT slave board unit, refer to the instructions manual.

General Specifications

Item Specifications
Communications protocol EtherCAT-compliant
Transmission speed 100Mbps
Interface connector RJ-45 connector
Communications media Category 5 or above, twisted pair cable
Address setting Automatic setting by Master board / Manual setting
Network topology Daisy chain
  Standard allocation RC3 compatible allocation All-user allocation
Number of system inputs 40 points 24 points 0 points
Number of system outputs 32 points 32 points 0 points
Number of user inputs 24 to 2008 points 40 to 2024 points 2048 points
Number of user outputs 32 to 2016 points 32 to 2016 points 2048 points

RC8 series robot controller does not support LRW. For RC8 series robot controller, use LRD/LWR.

ID : 5786

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