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ID : 682

Hand Object

Hand object refers to an object that handles the hand.

For actual descriptions, describe Hand[n].~ ([n] is a board number from 0 to 3 ). For example, Hand[0].~.

Hand[0].~ corresponds to the first board.

Regarding to the target product, refer to "ELECTRIC GRIPPER GUIDE ".

Command name Function
Hand[n].Chuck To activate a chuck motion. *
Hand[n].UnChuck To activate an unchuck motion. *
Hand[n].Motor To turn the motor power ON/OFF. *
Hand[n].Org To return to the origin. *
Hand[n].MoveP To activate a point motion. *
Hand[n].MoveA To move to an absolute position. *
Hand[n].MoveR To move to a relative position. *
Hand[n].MoveAH To activate an absolute position gripping motion with acceleration/deceleration. *
Hand[n].MoveRH To activate a gripping motion by traveling to an acceleration/deceleration relative position. *
Hand[n].MoveH To activate a gripping motion by traveling at constant speed. *
Hand[n].MoveZH To activate a gripping motion for traveling at constant speed with zoning. *
Hand[n].Stop To stop a motion. *
Hand[n].CurPos To return the current position.
Hand[n].GetPoint To return point data elements.

* When executing Hand motion command, the error of the electric gripper control board is cleared.
If causes of the error remain unsolved, the error occurs again.

Command name Function
Hand[n].EmgState To present the emergency stop input status.
Hand[n].ZonState To present the status of whether or not the electric gripper is positioned within the set range.
Hand[n].OrgState To present the origin return status.
Hand[n].HoldState To return the hand gripping status.
Hand[n].InposState To return the INPOS status (whether or not in the target position) by integer type data.
Hand[n].Error To return the error status.
Hand[n].BusyState To return the busy status.
Hand[n].MotorState To return the motor power status.

ID : 682

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