ID : 1996
Settings on the Slave Controller
Enter a license necessary for the cooperative control function, and then perform cooperative control function-related settings on the slave controller.
The license for the cooperative control function on the slave controller is free of charge.
For the way of obtaining a license, refer to "Optional Function and License".
Adding a License for Cooperative Control Function
Operation path:[F6:Setting]-[F8:Option]-[F1:Extension]
Add a license for cooperative control function to the controller.
For details, refer to “Registering License” in OPTION.
Controller Settings
Operation path: [F6:Setting]-[F9:Cooperation]
To perform this operation, set the user level "Maintainer".
When you manipulate a teach pendant according to the above operation path, the following Cooperation setting window appears.
Configure the following settings on the Cooperation setting window.
Cooperative Controller Configuration | Set a controller number of a slave controller.
For example, if a controller is set to "Slave controller 1 : 2", the name of robot connected to this controller will be "Robot1". |
Cooperative control communication mode | Selects a method of communicating between robot controllers. The setting values are as follows.
When the robot controller software version is 2.3.* or higher, 1: “Both Ethernet and EtherCAT (Defalt setting)" is set as a default. If you use Ethernet only, please change the value of the cooperative control communication mode to "0". |
Disconnect the Teach Pendant and Reboot the Controller
Once the setting has been completed, turn OFF the controller, and then connect a Pendant-less connector (Dummy connector). When you have finished a master controller's necessary settings for cooperative control function, turn ON the master and slave controllers simultaneously.
ID : 1996