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ID : 2016


Cooperative Control Function-Dedicated Command

The following table shows cooperative control function-dedicated commands.

SyncMove Cooperative motion option
SyncTime Synchronous motion
Base Sets the base coordinate.
SetHandIO Sets the hand IO of the slave robot.
GetHandIO Obtains Hand I/O status of a slave robot.
StartServoLog Starts the recording of servo logs.
ClearServoLog Initializes servo logs.
StopServoLog Stops the recording of servo logs.
StartLog Starts the recording of control logs.
ClearLog Initializes control logs.
StopLog Stops the recording of control logs.
#Pragma Optimize("DefaultRobot") Changes the default robot.

General Commands

Following commands work different ways in the single robot operation and multiple robots operation.

Commands that Need to Specify a Robot

To use following commands, you need to specify a target robot by adding [Robot*.](*2). Command specifications are the same as when these are used in a single robot operation.

A Accel, AddPathPoint, Approach, ArchMove, Area, AreaPos, AreaSize, Arrive
C ChangeTool, ChangeWork, ClearAreaDetected, ClearLog, ClrPathPoint, CollisionDetection, CPMode, CrtMotionAllow, CurAcc, CurCPMode, CurDec, CurExJ, CurFig, CurJnt, CurLmt, CurPathPoint, CurPayload, CurPos, CurSpd, CurSpeedMode, CurTool, CurTrn, CurWork
D Decel, Depart, DestJnt, DestPos, DestTrn, Dev, DevH, Dps, Draw, Drive, DriveA
E EncMotionAllow, EncMotionAllowJnt, Eralw, ExclusiveControlStatus(*1)
G GetAreaDetected, GetCollisionStatus, GetPathPoint, GetPathPointCount, GetSrvData, GetSrvJntData, GiveArm, GrvCtrl, GrvOffset
H HighPathAccuracy
J J2P, J2T, JAccel, JDecel
L LoadPathPoint
M MotionComplete, MotionSkip, MotionTimeout, Move, Move C, Move S, Mps
O OutRange
P P2J, P2T, Payload, Posclr
R ResetArea, RobInfo, Rotate, RotateH, Rpm
S SetArea, SetCollisionDetection, SingularAvoid, Speed, SpeedMode, SrvUnLock, StartLog, StopLog
T T2J, T2P, TakeArm, TakeArmState, TInv, TMul, TNorm, Tool, ToolPos(*3)
W WaitMotion , Work, WorkAttribute, WorkPos
Z ZForce

*1 : Available only when the following two conditions are met: Cooperative control function is used; Software version of robot controllers are 2.5.* or higher for each.

*2 : When using above commands in the dual arm control function, you need to add [Robot*.] as well.

*3 : When the dual arm control function is used but the cooperative control function is not used, you need to add [Robot*.] to the conveyor tracking-related commands (refer to the table in the following "Commands that are not Available in the Cooperative Control Function") as well. (If the robot controller software version is less than 2.7.*, you do not need to add [Robot*.] to the conveyor-related commands.)

Commands that are not Available in the Cooperative Control Function

The following commands are not available in the cooperative control function.

Force control-related command

(These commands are available if the following two conditions are met: EtherCAT is used for the communication between robot controllers; Software version of robot controllers are 2.5.* or higher for each.)

Conveyor tracking-related command(*1) TrackApproach

*1 : When the dual arm control function is used, these commands are available only if the cooperative control function is not used. (These commands are not available if the robot controller software version is 2.7.* or less.) To use such command, add [Robot*.] in front of the target command.

Commands that Target to All Robots

The following commands target to all robots.

ClrErr Executes for all robots.
ExtSpeed Sets external speed on all robots at one time.
Motor Turns ON/OFF motors on all robots.
Pallet.CalcPos Adds argument of robot number.
SysState See the table below.

Specification of SysState

The table below shows specifications of SysState. In the cooperative control function, some SysState specifications are different from that of the single robot operation.

Status Bit Target
Robot in operation (program running) 0 Master
Robot error 1 Master OR Slave
Servo On 2 Master OR Slave
Robot initialization complete (in I/O standard or MiniIO dedicated mode) / Robot power On complete (in I/O compatible mode) 3 Master AND Slave
Automatic mode 4 Master
When an executable token is not set to the Teach Pendant in Auto Mode 5 Master
Battery exhaustion warning 6 Master OR Slave
Robot warning 7 Master OR Slave
Continue start allowed 8 Master
Reserved 9  
Emergency stop status 10 Master
Automatic robot run enabled 11 Master
Protective Stop 12 Master
When stop process is running 13 Master
Reserved 14  
Reserved 15  
Program start reset 16 Master
Cal complete 17 Master AND Slave
Manual mode or Teach check mode 18 Master
1 cycle complete 19 Master
Robot is running (command level) 20 Master OR Slave
Robot is running (encoder level) 21 Master OR Slave
Reserved 22  
Reserved 23  
Command processing complete 24 Master
Reserved 25  
Reserved 26  
Reserved 27  
Reserved 28  
Reserved 29  
Reserved 30  
Reserved 31  

ID : 2016

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