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ID : 6287

Daily Inspections

Before starting operations, check the items listed below every day. The following tables describe the inspection jobs to be performed with the controller power OFF and ON respectively.

Some repair and replacement jobs, shown in "What to do:" column in the tables below, may involve special work. Contact the DENSO service representative.

Inspections to Be Made with the Power OFF

Check: How to check Criterion What to do

Connectors (Controllers CN1 to CN10) and their destinations

Visually No looseness, disengagement, or dirt Engage the parts properly and clean them.
Cables (Controller CN1 to CN10) and robot external cables Visually Free of damage or gouges Repair or replace the parts.

Robot unit (excluding lubricated parts)

Visually No grease leak Wipe off grease.

Inspections to Be Made with the Power ON

Check: How to check Criterion What to do
LCD on the teach pendant Visually Properly displayed Repair or replace the parts.
Pilot lamps on the robot controller Visually Should light up. Repair or replace the parts.
Cooling fan in the robot controller Hold up hand to the exhaust port and check that wind is coming out. Should work properly. Repair or replace the parts.
EMERGENCY STOP button on the teach pendant, the mini pendant or the emergency stop switch box Press the EMERGENCY STOP button. The robot should come to an emergency stop. Repair or replace the parts.
Safety door Operate the safety door switch and open the switch-wiring door. The robot should come to an emergency stop. Check or repair the parts.


ID : 6287

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