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ID : 3709

Checking the ON-Time and the Running Time

You may check the ON-time and the running time of COBOTTA.
Hours that you can check are the following items.

Refer to the "Displaying System Information (Robot Tab)" of TP App Operation Guide.

Total operation Shows the grand total of the COBOTTA ON-time counted after the COBOTTA leaves the factory.
Total running Shows the grand total of the robot running time counted after the robot leaves the factory.
Cumu. operation Shows the total of the COBOTTA ON-time counted after you reset the user counter to zero.
Cumu. running Shows the total of the robot running time counted after you reset the user counter to zero.
Operation Shows the ON-time of the COBOTTA counted after it is turned ON this time.
Running Shows the running time of the COBOTTA counted after the COBOTTA is turned ON this time.

Values of "Cumu. operation" and "Cumu. running" can be reset.

ID : 3709

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