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ID : 185



To let the own task stand-by for the specified time.


Delay delay time

Guaranteed entry

Delay time
Specify the stand-by time by double precision real number type data. The unit is [ms].


The task goes to the stand-by state for the specified delay time [ms].

The task status is "stand-by" when the system is set to stand-by by a Delay statement.

During “Stand-by” state, the CPU load is reduced, this improves the efficiency of other multi-tasking.

Related Terms




If 0 is designated for Argument:delay time, the task never goes to the stand-by status. Negative value also resulted in the same behavior as 0.

There may be an error in specified delay time due to task loading, etc. Moreover, an error occurs if the specified time is very short.

Delay time elapses even during pausing or step stop.


'!TITLE "Program Stop"
' Move the robot back to the original position after 1 second from moving it from the current value
Sub Sample_Delay

  Dim aaa As Position

  TakeArm Keep = 1

  ' Acquire the current position
  aaa = CurPos

  ' Move 200 mm from the current position toward X axis
  Move P, Dev( aaa, P( 200, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1 ) )

  ' Wait for 1 second
  Delay 1000

  ' Move to the original coordinate position
  Move P, aaa

End Sub

ID : 185

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