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ID : 384



To return the controller status.



Return Value

The controller status is returned by integer type data.


The controller status is returned by integer type data.

Return Value Bit

The same as system I/O signals.

Status Bit
Robot in operation (program running) 0
Robot error 1
Servo On 2
Robot initialization complete (in I/O standard or MiniIO dedicated mode) / Robot power On complete (in I/O compatible mode) 3
Automatic mode 4
When an executable token is not set to the Teach Pendant in Auto Mode 5
Battery exhaustion warning 6
Robot warning 7
Continue start allowed 8
Reserved 9
Emergency stop status 10
Automatic robot run enabled 11
Protective Stop 12
When stop process is running 13
Reserved 14
Reserved 15
Program start reset 16
Cal complete 17
Manual mode or Teach check mode 18
1 cycle complete 19
Robot is running (command level) 20
Robot is running (encoder level) 21
Reserved 22
Reserved 23
Command processing complete 24
Reserved 25
Reserved 26
Reserved 27
Reserved 28
Reserved 29
Reserved 30
Reserved 31

Related Terms





 'Execute Pro2 while Servo is ON (2nd bits) and the operation mode 
 'is Auto mode (4th bits).
 sub main

     '20 (binary&B10100)
         if (SysState And 20) = 20 then
                 run pro2
         end if
 end sub

ID : 384

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