ID : 385
To return whether control for a designated arm group is acquired.
TakeArmState[(arm group number)]
Guaranteed entry
- Arm group number
- Designate an arm group number by integer type data. When -1 is specified, an arm group already acquired by the own task is designated. This is an optional value. This should be -1 if this is omitted.
Return value
Return "1" if control of the designated arm group is already acquired by a different task, or "0" if it is not acquired by any task.
"1" is returned if control of the designated arm group is already acquired by a different task, or "0" if it is not acquired by any task.
If -1 is designated for the argument arm group when the own task does not acquire control of the axis, "0" is returned.
'!TITLE "Acquisition of Arm Group Control Status"
' Acquisition of arm group 1 control status
Sub Sample_TakeArmState
Dim aaa As Integer
' Acquire arm group 1 control status
aaa = TakeArmState( 1 )
' Display arm group 1 control status on the message output window
PrintDbg aaa
End Sub
ID : 385