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ID : 521

Motion Option

Motion options are optional functions that can be added to a motion statement.

More than one motion option can be designated by separating each by a comma (,).

Motion Option Types

Option name Explanation
Speed setting option

Specify the motion speed (internal speed) of the statement.

  • Internal speed specification: {S | Speed}
  • Internal acceleration specification: Accel
  • Internal deceleration specification: Decel
  • Travel time specification: Time
Next option The next line (statement) can be executed without waiting for motion completion.

For about SyncMove option, which specifies synchronous motion, refer to "SyncMove Option (Cooperative Control Function Option)".

Motion Option Interpretation

For some command options on motion options, the interpretation direction can be changed by specifying "309:Normalization of Motion Option Interpretation".

0:Disable - RC7 Non-Compatible Motion

This applies to Ver.1.10.* or lower.
For the following commands, motion options are interpreted from the right to the left. For other commands, motion options are interpreted from the left to the right.

1:Enable - RC7 Compatible Motion (Default)

For all commands, motion options are interpreted from the left to the right.

RC8 series Ver.1.10.* or lower works as non-compatible motion.

ID : 521

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